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It wasn’t that many years ago that asbestos was touted as the go-to substance for making building materials resistant to fire. As such, until the early 1970s, asbestos was used in a myriad of common materials, everything from floor tile to insulation to dry wall. If you own or live in a building that was constructed prior to the early 1970s, it’s very likely that you’re living with asbestos. Fortunately, it is contact with the asbestos fibers that has been proven to cause cancer and respiratory illness. You only need to be concerned when those fibers are disturbed, such as in a renovation or demolition project. That’s when you need a good asbestos abatement company, like Asbestos Removal Now.
What is asbestos abatement?
While leaving asbestos material in place poses little threat to homeowners and residents, renovating a home made with asbestos materials can be harmful as it unleashes the fibers in the asbestos and circulates them in the air where they can be inhaled. Demolition in such a residence requires a professional asbestos abatement team like our crew at Asbestos Removal Now.
Asbestos removal services
Asbestos removal is the process of ridding your home of potentially-harmful asbestos products, such as ceiling and floor tile, insulation, appliances and other such building materials and components. At Asbestos Removal Now, we have the skill and training to properly remove and dispose of asbestos materials, so you can get on with your building project. Our asbestos removal services include:
- Getting rid of asbestos-laden building materials in your home, safely and completely.
- Efficiently removing and disposing of asbestos materials.
- Making sure that your home and your family stays safe during the demolition process.
- Quick and efficient service. We respect your time. We’ll arrive on time, ready to work. We won’t keep you waiting.
- Professional crew. Our crew arrives professionally-dressed, ready to work. Our workers are courteous and will respect your property.
- State of the art safety equipment. We come equipped with the latest in safety equipment and ventilators, so limit our workers exposure to asbestos as well as that of your family.
- Clean up. You don’t have to worry about our crew leaving a big mess behind after the project. We will leave your property as good or better than we find it.
In addition, all of our employees are licensed and insured, so you can rest assured that you won’t have to pay for a contractor’s error or lack of good judgment.
Wilmington Delaware asbestos removal
Asbestos removal is not something you want to tackle on your own. This process requires the skill, training and knowledge or a professional asbestos removal team. To learn more about asbestos removal services in Willmington, Delaware, contact Asbestos Removal Now